B4 Make Phosphorus available!

B4 is the biological blend that solubilizes phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, zinc and iron that is in the soil and unavailable to your crop.  B4 is grows on the roots of your crop all season long increasing these nutrients availability to feed your crop.  B4 results in larger: roots, stalks, leaves, and grain yield.

B4 is available in 3 formulations, B4 ST to be applied on seed, B4 LiF to be applied in furrow, B4 LiF an organic formulation that is certified by OMRI.

B4 Safety Data Sheet

B4 on Corn + 7.7 bpa

B4 on Soybean +4.2 b


Make phosphorus available.

Greatest benefits to the plant from B4 LiF

Can be used on all crops.
Increased yields.
Increased Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc availability.
Increased water absorption from the soil.
Break down of soil organic matter to increase nutrient availability.

Application rate

Applied Liquid in Furrow
1 pint/acre

Find Out More About B4

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B4 Tech Sheet
B4 ST Specimen Label
B4 Lif Specimen Label
B4 LiF Organic Specimen Label

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