Every Plant Makes It’s Own Nitrogen

PheNom is a biological that lives inside the plant that converts atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form in the plant.
PheNom increases nitrogen availability to feed your crop all season along.
PheNom ST is a seed treatment and PheNom can be applied infurrow or foliar.

Phenom Safety Data Sheet

PheNom on Corn +8.2 bpa

PheNom on Soybeans +2.7 bp


Every plant makes its own nitrogen…

PheNom consists of two endophyte bacteria. These bacteria live inside the plant (endophyte) not in the soil. When applied foliar the bacteria enter the plant when it comes in contact with the stoma on the leaves, stalk, stems and roots.

After entering the plant, the bacteria move throughout the plant and live inside the stoma. The stoma is the openings where your plant breathes. When your plant breathes PheNom is pulling nitrogen out of the air (N2) and converting the N2 to NH4. The NH4 is feeding your crop.

This greatly increases your nitrogen availability to your crop. The other bacteria lives in the roots and causes the root to process and metabolize phosphorus faster and more efficiently.

If you are wanting to increase the supply of nitrogen and increase phosphorus efficiency to your crop, try PheNom.

PheNom can be used on all crops.

PheNom is also available in a seed applied formulation PheNom ST, and is available in a liquid in furrow formulation PheNom .


Find Out More About PheNom

PheNom Tech Sheet
PheNom Specimen Label
PheNom ST Specimen Label


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